Legal Notice

Contact Information
I'm a private person and not some big company.
Thus I don't feel safe sharing my personal address and phone number publicly. 

Please contact me using this form.
I will answer every inquiry in person.

VAT Information
I'm a private person located in Switzerland.
I generate less than 100,000 CHF turnover within one year.
Thus I'm excluded from tax liability under Art. 10 MWSTG (Paragraph 1a).

EU Online Dispute Resolution

Simply put
I do everything with best intentions. I don't want to harm anyone and I'm trying my best to get all the legal aspects right.

Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong, before sending some expensive lawyers my way. Thank you.😊

Privacy Policy

Simply put: We're not interested in using or selling your data.

Terms and Conditions

Simply put: It ain't simple.

Acceptable Use Policy

Simply put: Be nice.

Legal Notice

Simply put: It's just me, Wally.

Return Policy

Simply put: Only in case of a damaged product, manufacturing error, or alike.

Shipping Policy

Simply put: Free Shipping Worldwide.


Simply put: About liabilities.